
Wilson News

Scotty Karate will be going away to SanDiego tommorrow so give him a pat on the back or something. And if you didn't already know Jose will be back in Chicago in December, so that's good. Theres a new such luck video but I dont want to post it before Tim. You can look it up. In the mean time.......



that video down unda looks familiar... but ours is better! Cause how many times do you see skateboarding, tech decks, high pitched voices, BJ SNODEN, and weird little "plums" in one video!
There were some hanging little creatures down at Wilson so we had a “session” with some of them. Song By BJ Snowden. I hope your eyes dont burn.

OHNO from wilsonskate on Vimeo.
P.S. Sorry Stephen, your intro was lost on my camera.


Scott Gall's really amazing Self filmed video

This has some really sick tricks in it and is really well put together. It's sort of like the lonesome filmer, except its actually good.


Guilty Pleasure

Watch this and tell me its not even a little bit cool.


-Hey guys, so I was searching some skate parks on concretedisciples.com and I found some interesting parks.
-I need your help judging them them to see if any of these parks are good enough to be worth driving to because some of them are pretty far.

-This park's mostly tranny and looks kinda fun to just cruise. maybe even bust some airs. The address is on Sheridan rd. which i'm familiar with.
-This park is really far! but i heard it's pretty big. There is a wooden section and a concrete section. The pictures make it seem cool to with the flow bowl and a planter wallride. Google "The zone skatepark" and you'll see some other pictures of it
-This park ain't as nice but looks kinda fun...
-Again this park is extremely far and probably won't go there unless i lived in the suburbs but still just review it. I know that the Toy machine demoed there before. It's pretty big. I think I saw this park in a video on skateillinois.


The End of Summer Edit is Here!

End of Summer from wilsonskate on Vimeo.
-Look out for guest PRO appearances like Jeremiah Smith and Randy Plosser

End of summer part 2 from Steve on Vimeo.


Some Boston Trip

That guy mo(?) and two other serious rippers went to boston and came back with a seriously awsome montage.



So like school starting soon....its gonna suck ballz.


You have no excuse not to have seen this. This is definately in my top 3 best video parts of all time. Ladies and Gentlemen, PJ Ladd's Wonderful horrible life.


New Such Luck Edit

All the fellas ripping.
Missed Connections - July - SuchLuck.com from Such Luck on Vimeo.

P.S. Keep an eye out for the new trick tim just landed today along with brads trick in Tim's and mine new montages.


Cali Trip

Sup dudes and bros ill be goin to california for a week. I'll have some footage and photos that ill put on the site.

It's a very special day today....

cause it's...

so like leave him some love or just give him a sweet e-card or something!
-Hope you had a very sexy birthday Morley and keep shredding it up!


Pizza n' such

-We took a little trip along Wilson and found some interesting stuff...

-This is where it's at! Legit Roca Wear and JNCO Jeans also selling Barack Obama t-shirts

-Who wants some Garlic BRAD? (click)

The sweetest wig store ever! We were gettin our myspace pic on.

-Medhi bought a do rag for poops and giggles! mostly poops though...
Crazy Gangsta hittin up the bowl...what a joke...

Spoiler Alert

I'm releasing anthonys boardslide early. It will still be in the movie but hear it is anyway.



i finally figured out how to upload videos and pictures from my camera onto my computer. I will have footage soon.




New Promo

You can tell our final movie is gonna be sweet from all this mind blowing footage.
Promo from wilsonskate on Vimeo.


I just got back from a vacation trip and I got some good footage. But, it will be released with the fullength movie at the end of the summer along with all the other new footage. Sorry.


Im back

-Hey what's up all you scrubs!

-I'm back from camp and will be up and sk00tboarding!!

-I hope to finish an edit this week so look forward.


Bob Burnquist Rocks

Its hard to even think about hard and awesome every single trick in this video is. Bob Burnquist is the best vert skater on earth.

Win for Life BBQ - SuchLuck from Such Luck on Vimeo.


Dear Skateboarders In Illinois,

I think it was a bad idea that you added those silly wilsonbladers to your lynx list. They are a goffy set of not sk8ers who don't evn no what sk8boarding is about and landing sweet hammers. All they do is not even real tricks like little kids. Those wil"sin" bladers probably dont even know how to varial flips. They told me they wanted to thx you for linking them but i'm not even going 2 say that. They stink like a booya granma!

But really, thanks skate illinois (and such Luck) for linking us.

The Lonesome Filmer

I was too tired to skate at wilson so I filmed my self at this nice spot.

The Lonesome Filmer from wilsonskate on Vimeo.