
Lake Owen

we were discussing the new park:


I love this edit by Jackson Casey

OH NO! from jackson casey on Vimeo.



Bungee boarding anyone?

yo! so Me Justin and David got ourselves a bunch of these new hang tek things thanks to Soma.(The thing looks like a bungee cord strap to your board) They look like gay faggot poser stuff but I gotta say its FUN. Next weekend there is going to be a contest on this and 1st place wins $300. See you at the park JUSTIN.

Midwest Skaters

are famous?


Mystery is A Great Company.

This new little vid with jimmy carlin is pretty mind blowing (Ollie late backfoot tre flip impossible?!?!?). Also I love these new dreamspot videos, some of the best skate ads I've ever seen. (watch the Durrant and Crocket ones). Their promo is one of the best vids out there if somehow you missed it. And to top it all off their new mexican graphic series is amazing.



he is god

Kyle Terbush

very good chicago local. sponsored by krush:


Skate Video News

Here are some nice videos you should see. The whole Focus group video is pretty good but the first part is great. The other part you should definitely see is the ender which starts at 15:40. I hope that dude makes it somewhere. Also You should see the new zoo york video. Good Stuff. Also Just to clear this up, that airwalk pic was a total pose.By the way i made some new admins. Gotta pass on the torch.

photos you havn't seen or gotten to see



welles. Alex

hands down justin with the 270



Good stuff

a nice song we heard at jamba
mute the actual video and listen to the song while watching the vid:


skate and create 2

C1RCA's video is foresety

DVS is pretty cool

still 2 more teams need to be realeased.




marty nixer commercial from myself on Vimeo.


The Tourettes Guy

honestly one of the funniest videos ive ever seen!!!


King of Chicago

SO in October there is an event called King of Chicago. YOu have to qualify to get into it but the funny thing is, is that there isn't a single qualifying event in Chicago or even in Illinois. So that means some ripper from some other state who may have never been here will be crowned king. And I had my money on Timmy. But whatever that means a lot of rippers from all over will be coming here, so that's good.


Our Town Promo

its old, but whatever
they skate a bank three stair exactly like the one we did downtown today:

Goodbye, Mark

one of wilonskate's favorite buddies is going to florida for two years, to get a masters in pysch at some cheap asss school

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despite the farting on people, the very chicagoan accent, and a russian girlfriend (this counts a s lena's goodbye), on the part of wilsonskate, we'll miss you, mark


Raining Perseids yesterday night

wilson skate should broaden its attention to things more mysterious, and fantastic, like the perseids, a meteor shower caused by earth's pasing through god's feces:


Gangster versus Punk skate contest

doesn't really matter, but i like the gangstas more
i tried to make this a poll, but cant, since the only administrator of this blog is the all powerful MORLEY, who refuses to let anyone else be admin. - maybe that should be a poll!


This week, on funny - animals!

but on a very serious note, these are the worst bails ive seen - they make me cringe

dont get down

WHENEVER ur feelin down about urself just look at this kid.



Two Great New Videos

Potpourri is a great video.

Bonus Round is a great video.

When you try to play both the vids a pop up window might appear and will actually look like a video player but just close it and watch the vids.



Here is my bail on the thrasher site for hall of meat.

Wilson without the warriors

lets begin asking our mothers for more skate time


SKate Song

these guys made a beat using nothing but skateboards and a parking lot! (fake?)


FOr all you painters

this shoulda been a butteryass mondays, but if anyone wishes to hide their spray paint effectively in any sort of situation, (MARKY) :