

-Hey guys, so I was searching some skate parks on concretedisciples.com and I found some interesting parks.
-I need your help judging them them to see if any of these parks are good enough to be worth driving to because some of them are pretty far.

-This park's mostly tranny and looks kinda fun to just cruise. maybe even bust some airs. The address is on Sheridan rd. which i'm familiar with.
-This park is really far! but i heard it's pretty big. There is a wooden section and a concrete section. The pictures make it seem cool to with the flow bowl and a planter wallride. Google "The zone skatepark" and you'll see some other pictures of it
-This park ain't as nice but looks kinda fun...
-Again this park is extremely far and probably won't go there unless i lived in the suburbs but still just review it. I know that the Toy machine demoed there before. It's pretty big. I think I saw this park in a video on skateillinois.

1 comment:

Morley Musick said...

#2 is one of coreys fsvorite parks. He says its awsome