

... from Steve on Vimeo.

testing some new ways of editing. its as artsy as artsy can get.


Morley Musick said...

what program is this

steezy-steve said...

still movie maker haha

Anonymous said...

it looks super good

iSapien1956672 said...

is it supposed to be all choppy? i got a fucking headache trying to watch it & got so annoyed i had to turn it off, sorry. all the other vids are working smooth. WTF?

steezy-steve said...

lol its movie maker. slow mo on that makes everything f'd up

Frenchy said...

yeah dude this should be the opener to all montages
looks cool in the bowl cuz the leaves swirl behind the guy

steezy-steve said...

haha i didn't think anybody really noticed that. tanks frenchy!