

Everyone where a costume and come to wilson either this Friday or Saturday, for a halloween jam. If it rains come to Logan and where a costume you godam baby. Also, unless something big comes up this year actually come for one this jam. Let's not have this be a repeat of last year, get this thing rolling people tell everyone you know!!! Vote on if this should be on Saturday or Friday in poll


steezy-steve said...

friday my birthday

Frenchy said...

happy bday steve, how old?

steezy-steve said...

s33t 16

Anthony said...

morley this is stupid

Anonymous said...

MORLEY PUTT ME BACK ON THE BLOG!! lol im still waiting...
and if those who dont know its me asian. and i have a mask? if thats considered aconstume

Anonymous said...


again its asian lol i need to get back on the blog morley

mo said...

anthony you hate on everything you big puss.

robbie said...

;] lady no arguing

Victorious_Victor said...

hahaah happy B day Stevey Wonder!!!! Yea lets skate friday and Saturday its gonna be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun
-Victor Mihaila

Frenchy said...

yeah anthony wtf get a life

Anthony said...

thats exactly why i said its sstupid...its so sad that we would all dress up and go sk8 on halloween instead of go do something

Morley Musick said...

like what anthony, go to some party with some lame ass skool friends that sounds fun. at the least dont ruin this for everyone else dude. you dont have to come if you dont want, but so many youtube vids of people havin halloween seshes make it look so fun so we're doin it.

Morley Musick said...

dude look how fun this looks.


and this


steezy-steve said...

haha dude i just posted that same link onto the blog

robbie said...

anthony wanna go to that lock in tm at krush branden bibel gonna spend the night too.. i found out on his twitter

steezy-steve said...

quit stalking pros robbie lol