
skateillinois wilson vid

zone came to wilson the other day and made a sick wilson vid (switch wallie 5050). Steve's in it doing a melon grab air and i'm in it being a filmer idiot . Sometimes stupidity just takes over my body like how some people are with jesus. you'l see what i mean.


steezy-steve said...

you saying jesus takes over bodies?

A$1@n said...

ohh that sucks he didnt film my 360 ohh darn DONT LET FRENCHY FILM OVA MY TRICKSSS

Anonymous said...

steve, no you know like guys who are shake and stuff in church and they say the have him inside them. like that. i didn't mean to offend you or anything, sorry if i did.

Frenchy said...

yey were on skate illinois! comin on up guys...