
street skater

8 mins. of pure variety and gnarness
I feel bad for the black kid in the end when the wyte boi pwned him in skate


A$1@n said...

wtf is up with that song

Mo said...

that kid was at thecarwash one time for some reason

steezy-steve said...

some pretty good clips I put together in my neighborhood after I jumped those stairs I got yelled at from a cop and he asked where I lived I didn't say a word and ran

steezy-steve said...

lol thats what was in the description in the second video....this kids funnier than jeffwonsong

mo said...

yeah, hes a kook, but he could actually skate vert ok. he blasted some massive nose grabs in the krush bowl. he gives a lot of self props tho.

steezy-steve said...

lol i saw that video. he like does em over and over again and everytime he's shocked that he landed it!

Morley Musick said...

shoudnt go too hard on him, hes just some skate nerd.maybe some day he'll learn